We invite you to explore the opportunities for ongoing conversion to Jesus in Holiness of Life.
Adult Core Team for Youth Are you interested in working with other adults to provide spiritual & social activities for the youth? We have several activities in mind and just need adults to lead them. See Adult Faith Formation.
Leader(s): Aubrey Dahl Bernadette Myers - Director of Faith Formation Phone: 913-649-1337 913-521-9361 Email: [email protected][email protected]
Adult Faith Formation Grow closer to Jesus by learning more about our Catholic Faith through spiritual and social opportunities. Typically for adults but many offerings are appropriate for everyone.
Leader(s): Bernadette Myers - Director of Faith Formation Phone: 913-521-9361 Email: [email protected]
Charismatic Prayer Group The Charismatic Prayer Group meets in the cry room on the first Thursday of each month to pray together. They also host a Charismatic Healing Mass usually on the third Thursday of April and August in the Fr. Burak Room.
Children's Faith Formation (1st-8th Grade) The purpose of the School of Religion is to serve parish families whose children attend a school outside the Catholic school system. We support parents as the first teachers of the faith by encouraging families toward a growing relationship with Christ and living it out in their daily lives. All Family Gatherings, student classes and parent small group faith discussions are held on Wednesday nights.
Leader(s): Linette Lopez - Director of Children's Faith Formation Phone: 913-521-9379 Email: [email protected]
Co-Ed Bible Study As we all endeavor to know Jesus better, we can look to scripture where we find Him, His word and His teachings. Join us each month as we open up the scripture through reading, presentation and discussion. We will be meeting in the Fr. Burak Room each month on the 2nd Tuesday (January thru November) at 7:00 pm for 60 to 90 minutes.
Currently we are reviewing segments of John's Gospel. Plans for 2025 have not been finalized and we will welcome your suggestions. BYOB (that's bible). ALL are welcome, especially those of us who need to increase our understanding of God's word.
Confirmation The Sacrament of Confirmation is generally conferred upon students in their 8th grade year. Families seeking Confirmation for their teen should enroll the student in the School or School of Religion program. The date for the Rite of Confirmation is decided upon by the archbishop's office and usually takes place at Curé of Ars in late winter. See Children's Faith Formation
Leader(s): Linette Lopez - Director of Children's Faith Formation Phone: 913-521-9379 Email: [email protected]
Faith Conversations We meet for an hour after the 9:00 am Mass in the Fr. Burak Room on the first and second Sundays of the month, October through May, for coffee, donuts, faith conversations and fellowship with videos and guest speakers. We discuss a variety of topics seeking Christian solutions to fundamental problems through education and open dialog. Our programs are listed in the weekly church bulletin and all adults are welcome to attend.
First Communion / First Reconciliation First Reconciliation (in the fall) and First Communion (in the spring) are usually received by students in their 2nd grade year. COA School students prepare as part of their 2nd grade instruction. Students in the School of Religion prepare beginning in 1st Grade and conclude in 2nd Grade. Accommodations and preparation can be made for children older than 2nd grade. See Children's Faith Formation
Leader(s): Linette Lopez - Director of Children's Faith Formation Phone: 913-521-9379 Email: [email protected]
Journey Retreat for Men Each year in late winter, Curé of Ars hosts a Journey Retreat for Men which is organized by the Dads at Curé group. All men of the parish are invited to attend. This short weekend retreat brings us together for less than 30 hours (including sleep!) but provides opportunities to build authentic community, fraternity, and understanding through prayer, camaraderie, and appreciation for the gifts we've all been freely given.
This year's retreat will be held on February 1-2, 2025. The retreat starts at 8am on Saturday and ends at 12pm on Sunday.
Magnificat Subscriptions Take advantage of group order discounts on a year-long Magnificat Missal Subscription for adults July through June. Sign up in the Spring.
Marriage Preparation Lead Couples The Mentor Couple will serve as role models for the young engaged couple’s sacramental journey of marriage in the Catholic Church. Be aware of today’s cultural and social indicators to accompany the couple in their preparation to renew and strengthen their faith to have a better understanding of the commitment they are making.
Men of Curé Scripture Study The Men of Curé Scripture Study meets every Friday from 7:00 to 8:00 am in the Fr. Burak Room. We read the upcoming Sunday’s scripture and discuss how it applies to our lives as husbands, fathers and business men. Drop ins welcome!
Parish Intentions Rosary Group Please join us in the sanctuary every Tuesday at 5:30 pm to pray the Rosary. We pray for the sick listed in the parish bulletin, the deceased and any personal intentions requested. All are welcome, there is no obligation and no need to sign up.
The Weekly Novena for Families follows the Rosary at 6:00 pm.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults RCIA is a process for adults to learn more about our Catholic Faith. It is typically for someone who is considering joining the Roman Catholic Faith, adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, or for any adult who wants to learn more about being Catholic.
Classes begin in September, meeting mostly on Monday evenings, and conclude at the Easter Vigil. Volunteers to sponsor someone joining the Church are essential.
Relax with God - Senior Spirituality Spend a few hours relaxing with others 50+ years young and enrich your spiritual life. We listen to a guest speaker, have lunch and enjoy fellowship.
St. Elizabeth Secular Franciscan Fraternity Part of the Secular Franciscan Order the St. Elizabeth Secular Franciscan Fraternity is for any lay person who, after a period of discernment and formation, chooses to profess to live the Gospel life in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
Women of Curé There are numerous groups within the Women of Curé that gather for prayer, reflection, scripture study and/or fellowship. Each group has a unique template and a specific meeting time and place.
Women's Bible Study The Women’s Bible Study Catholic Scripture Study is a doctrinal based Roman Catholic Scripture Study Program that nourishes a deeper love for Christ and for His Church. Meetings are on Tuesday mornings September through May. This popular study group does have a waiting list.